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About SinFresh Mart

we select all the fresh frutis seafood Meat Snacks from authorized dealers.

We are doing business of Community group buy E-commerce

We Aim to serve all Singapore communities with convenient, fresh, fast and low-cost products

We both provide website online purchase and Wechat groupbuy applet

We provide various pickup and delivery services across the islandwide

We accept all kinds of payment method with credit card, Grabpay, Paynow, Paypal.etc

our visoin is share all the convenient life to our community residents.

Why shop and pay online

Cash free and contactless lifestyle strongly supported and promoted by the government

in the post epidemic Era Increased risk of virus transmission in cash payment

Why choose us

We offer a variety of shopping, delivery,pickup and payment methods

Payment can be made in many ways, such as grabpay credit card, paynow PayPal, etc

For residents who installed wechat, you can choose our wechat applet small program for cummunity groubuy

We provide customers with fresh products updated every week at a lower price

How to place order

  1. ​点击链接进入网站,下滑页面到 “今日拼团“ 选择产品和数量逐个添加到购物车 "Add to Cart"

  2. 全部选择完产品后,点击右上角绿色购物车图标,检查购车产品名称和数量,核对金额后付款

  3. 选择付款方式, 如果您用 Grabpay 或者Paynow 付款请按4~5步骤完成下单.下单结束后用最新版Grabpay或者paynow扫描网站最下方的二维码即可完成付款. 如果您使用信用卡付款,请根据步骤6完成下单和信用卡付款。

  4. 点击深绿色的Checkout按钮付款按钮进入付款流程。(如果您还没有注册 ,我们强烈建议您Sign Up 快速注册,仅需输入email和密码即可注册成功, 注册以后从第二次购买开始可以直接下单不用重复输入i地址电话等送货信息)

  5. 根据提示完成付款流程 (1)~(4) 步骤以后点击绿色下单按钮 checkout 即可完成付款。(1), Shipping details. 输入邮箱 姓名 住址 邮编 区域 手机 等 继续.   (2), Delivery Method. 自提请选择Pick up   (3), Payment 选择手动付款 Manual Payment.  (4), Review& Place order. 在此检查订单无误后 点击 Place Order 完成下单. 订单完成后系统会发送到您邮箱

  6. ​如果选择信用卡支付, 请在付款流程的第 (3) 步骤 Paymet 选择Paypal, 确认下单 Place Order, 根据提示转换到Paypal支付页面进行支付. 如果您没有paypal账户请点击注册paypal账号并绑定信用卡, 即可完成付款.



Paynow ID:  87992329

Grabpay Notcie

Use Grab app latest version scan the QR code.

(Please note that currently Grab can not scan QR code from your own mobile.)


Mon - Fri: 9am - 7pm
Saturday: 9am - 7pm
Sunday: 9am - 7pm


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